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SFA – 003 Book Launch Tactics for Wide, Kindle Unlimited, Pre-Orders and Rapid Release with Lindsay Buroker

Today, Jo and Andrea interviewed fellow co-host fantasy and science-fiction author Lindsay Buroker to find out more about her book launch tactics. She’s been self-publishing since December of 2010, earning a full-time income since 2012, and has been a six-figure author or better for the last six years.

Here are some of the questions they asked Lindsay:

Andrea: Do you work closely with any merchandisers on the other retailers? If so, how did you get that set up? If not, do you foresee yourself doing it at any point?

Andrea: You made the comment that your royalties have been in the healthy six figures for the past couple of years. What would you say have been the top influencers for that sort of success?

Andrea: Do you schedule promotions that feature other retailers only?

Andrea: What are the things you focus on every day for your business? How do you decide what is the most important?

Andrea: How often do you snag BookBub features? Have you found that they impact your bottom line much? And how much do you rely on them? If they ever stopped featuring you, what would you do to keep things running smoothly?

Book launches and KU topics:

Jo: What, if any, pre-order tactics do you have?

Andrea: What role does paid advertising have in your launch strategy? What about promoting your backlist?

Jo: How far ahead do you start prompting a release?

Andrea: Do you work with any websites when promoting a new release?

Jo: How do your release strategies differ for first-in-series and mid/late series entries?

Andrea: Do you have books that will always be in KU? Why? Why not?

Andrea: Do you ever transfer books back to KU after they’ve been wide? Why or why not?

Jo: We know you like to start in KU. Do you have specific tactics for the eventual wide release?

Andrea: Do your books in KU do better than the ones that are wide? Have you found anything that encourages KU to go better? And what about wide books – does anything help them do better?

Thank you for listening, and we hope you enjoyed the show. We’d like to thank Joshua Pearson for helping us produce the show and Stephanie Neilan for putting the show notes together. Please consider posting a review to iTunes or wherever you listen to podcasts. To ask a question for a future show or to leave a comment, visit We’d love to hear from you!

Six Figure Authors
SFA - 003 Book Launch Tactics for Wide, Kindle Unlimited, Pre-Orders and Rapid Release with Lindsay Buroker
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